Ruby - November 2020 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Ruby, our November 2020 Dog of the Month!!

Ruby’s parents got Ruby as a puppy after their other corgi passed away. Ruby came from Corgis of Narnia, near Rainier Oregon - they have LOTS of Corgis! The parents’ daughter, Emma, picked Ruby out of a litter of 8 when Ruby was only 2 weeks old. Emma made the right choice.

Ruby is very sweet and loves people. She is also very quiet - she rarely barks. She does NOT like the cats that lay in her yard and barks at them when they tease her. She also likes to talk to the crows that come eat peanuts in morning. She loves to go to the beach to run and make new friends. However she does not like the surf to touch her. She likes to go visit near the family horses and play with her friend Casper there, but she does not like the horses. She does like to chase the deer the come into the horse pastures.

Ruby enjoys looking out the living room window - she is the neighborhood watcher. She hangs over the back of the couch and watches the kids, dogs and adults. She does not like to ride in the car - even though she has a car seat that lets her look out the window.

Ruby loves to go on walks to meet new dogs and people - something her parents try to do every day. She tolerates baths, but is terrified of a blow dryer - so baths are not frequent. She loves to sleep with her people, so long as they don't touch her while she is sleeping.

We love having Ruby with us at No Bonz! Her packmates feel the same!