Donna - December 2020- Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Donna, our 2020 Dog of the Month!!

Donna’s parents adopted her from Project Pooch in 2014. She was 1 year old at the time and was surrendered by her previous owner. Project Pooch does not always take owner surrenders but Donna's veterinarian at the time fell in love with her and recommended her for Project Pooch's program. Donna’s parents had an appointment to meet a different dog and the program staff decided to introduce them to Donna with the warning of "she might be scared of you at first, she is really afraid of men.” Donna came running into the room and jumped right into the lap of her now dad! Here parents say: “That sealed the deal - - Donna was ours forever!” Donna is an incredibly sweet dog who LOVES to be around other pups and snuggled up with humans. She plays really hard...and loud...but she is serious about her affection towards people. She is an amazing foster sister for One Tail at a Time PDX and met her best friend Freddie through the program. Her and Freddie see each other all the time - including on Wednesdays at No Bonz. “Her dream day would be one on the beach, chasing the ball with her buddies, followed by a bully stick and couch snuggles to round out the evening!,” says her mom. “To know Donna is to love Donna (unless you are a man with a beard who she does not know - than she will take a bit to warm up) and we cannot imagine our lives without her and her very aggressive kisses. Thank you No Bonz for taking such good care of our girl!”