Dusty - October 2020 Dog of the Month

Congratulations, Dusty, our October 2020 Dog of the Month!

Dusty is very excited to be Dog of the Month! He is hoping it comes with treats :-D

Dusty is a rescue who was found abandoned in the Southern California desert by the very awesome folks at Lead and Love Dog Rescue in Central Oregon. 

His parents thought he was a lab mix but they had him DNA tested and he’s over 8 kinds of dogs, but not a lab!  They think his DNA Husky is most dominant.  

He loves hiking, and he’s a very good rock climber, too.  His other favorite thing is meal time.  He leaps in the air every time! He has a diverse palate and is a big fan of cucumber, red bell pepper, and orange segments, in addition to bacon :). If he thinks a treat is coming he’ll start doing all of his tricks in a row (laying down, shaking, rolling over).

He has a quirky sometimes serious personality and is very sweet, gentle, and very self-sufficient.  He likes to know where his humans are, but then he likes to be in his own spot.  He is the best! We love Dusty and are very excited to have him at daycare with us!!