Chester & Henry - September 2020 - Dogs of the Month

Congratulations to Chester & Henry, our September 2020 Dogs of the Month!

And how a word from their mom:

“Chester and Henry are so excited to be the September Dogs of the Month!

 We adopted Chester when he was 4 months old and Henry joined the family 5 months later. Fun fact: the boys are actually littermates who were reunited after Henry was returned to the rescue.  They have gone to No Bonz since they were less than a year old and 13 years later, they are still inseparable best friends. 

Chester is the social butterfly.  A goofy, happy, loveable ball of fluff who will always say hello.  Henry on the other hand is the anxious, shy, and bossy one who would prefer you keep your distance until you earn his love.  Once you do, he is so sweet.  Sure, they bark at absolutely everything, Henry likes to climb on the coffee table when we aren’t home (like we won’t notice), and Chester would trade us for a treat any day but to us, they are perfect and we can’t imagine our lives without them. 

Even as old men, they are just still excited to go to No Bonz as they were when they were puppies.  Thank you for giving them a place to hang out with friends every week, we are grateful.    

Oh, and Chester would like to know if this honor includes a Pupperoni?”

The answer is YES! We need to get some Pupperoni! :-D We love having these adorable two with us!