Penny - May 2021 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Penny, our May Dog of the Month!

Penny’s parents adopted her through the Rez Dog Rescue program when they were living in Colorado. They rescued her pregnant mom near New Mexico and she and her six siblings were born in Aspen! They brought her home at 8 weeks. It's a great month for Penny to be Dog of the Month, since May is her adoption month! She's been with her parents for six years this month!

According to a DNA test, Penny is mostly Australian Cattle Dog with some Beagle and Brittany Spaniel. She has a big personality. She is very smart, curious, and loves to learn and explore. She's also a bit of a rascal and is good at outsmarting her parents to get what she wants from them. One parent commented: “For example, a few years ago, she was upset that I was sitting in her favorite chair. She started playing tug with the drapes and wasn't listening when I asked her to stop. So I stood up to go over to Penny and the minute I left the chair Penny ran and jumped in it. That's our Penny!”

Penny also has a goofy sense of humor and loves to make people laugh! “…And she has a lot of energy, so we really appreciate you all at No Bonz for helping us tire her out!.”

Penny is a tremendous joy to us and we’re grateful to have her in the pack!!