Olive - April 2021 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Olive, our April 2021 Dog of the Month!!

Olive was adopted from the Oregon Humane society by way of Georgia through the Second Chance Program in May of 2019. She was an 8 week old ball of fur with needle sharp teeth. Described as a lab mix, her mom had to find out what the mix was. As it turns out, Olive is zero lab! Instead, she is actually Staffordshire Terrier/Boston Terrier/Miniature Schnauzer/Longhaired Dachshund. Interesting mix for certain! But, what a pretty cool mix!


Olive LOVES squirrels, and thinks she can learn to climb trees, she can get one. She loves to chew on sticks - sometimes more like logs or entire branches if she can get them. Sleeping is another of her favorite past times. With her very short coat and bald underbelly, she gets chilly. Since she refuses to wear a sweater or coat, she likes to wrap herself in blankets or get AS CLOSE to the fake fireplace as possible. Olive started going to No Bonz as soon as she was old enough. She loves her people there, and also her dog buddies, especially Hermionie.

We are so fortunate and grateful to have Olive in our pack! We love her very much!