Summer - November 2021 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Summer, our November 2021 Dog of the Month!

Summer’s first few months on this earth were rough. She developed puppy strangles at around two months and had to be on several medications for a while.
Summer was 7 months old when she was adopted in March of 2020 just as the state went into its first pandemic stay at home order. That became a wonderful opportunity to be able to spend a lot of time with Summer while her mom worked remotely.
Summer is a happy, playful Golden Retriever. She loves being with humans more than dogs but plays well with both. She also loves to play in the water and help her mom dig holes in the garden. Her Zoomies are becoming legendary. Her most favorite thing to do is rip apart her stuffed toys and pull out all the stuffing. She really likes the squeakers the most. Her mom has learned to buy cheap toys.
Summer loves, loves, loves No Bonz. When they pull into the lot at No Bonz she cannot contain herself. She bolts out of the car and jumps at the front door. Once she says a quick hello to the staff member she jumps at the door to the facility, excited to see her friends. At the end of the day she is a happy pooped pup.

We are super happy to have Summer with us at No Bonz!