Chloe - September 2019 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Chloe, our September Dog of the Month!!

Chloe came to her parents from a rescue organization out of Texas. They knew immediately she was sweet, gentle, and playful. They had no idea how crazy she would become, but in the best possible way! She loves hiking, going on walks, playing with her human sister Julia and tormenting her 11 year old dog brother, Andy, by licking his face! But her most favorite thing to do is have her “wet days,” where we soak her with the hose and she runs around the yard chasing it like a crazy woman. We love our Crazy-Chloe!

Levy - August 2019 - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Levy, our August 2019 Dog of the Month!

Levy came to his owners from the wilds of Central Oregon. He was found after roaming the woods for several weeks and was very malnourished. It didn't take long for Levy to bounce back and adjust to life in the city. He loves going for long runs, hiking, and hanging out with his kitten brother, Boop. He is a German Shorthaired Pointer through and through, and is always on the lookout for birds, squirrels and the odd stray reflection of sunlight. He's a quirky boy, but we love him dearly!

Hank - July 2019 - Dog of the Month!

A hearty congratulations to Hank, our July 2019 Dog of the Month!

Hank came to Oregon as part of the “Second Chance” adoption program from California after being found as a puppy and returned once for being “difficult”.

Hank became part of the Prendergast Clan by fluke; they actually were there to visit a different dog! Something about Hank just drew his parents to him, and after meeting him, they knew he was the right Doggo for them! 🖤

Hank is roughly 14 months old, too smart for his own good, loves hikes, belly rubs, puzzles, and top of butt scratches, oh and FOOD. If you have food he’s your BFF! Did he mention he loves food? Hank plays hard and rough but loves his doggy friends at No Bonz, and the staff too.

In a very short amount of time Hank has become one of them more well-behaved of the No Bonz pups and is a favorite among the team members!

Zoe Belle - June 2019 - Dog of the Month!

Congratulations to Zoe Belle, our June 2019 Dog of the Month!

Often called by a few nicknames “Zo” or “Zobee” was born on a farm in Lebanon to a family who grew up with her dad as the family dog, from a litter their dad had with a dog he had as a young adult. Her parents fell in love with this darling little cattle dog at 3 mo old and have never looked back! Now six months old she’s done a few classes and has been coming to No Bonz for daycare a few days a week for the past two months and LOVES it! Zoe’s favorite things are cuddles (especially in the morning), rolling over for every dog or human she meets, squeaky toys, retrieving a ball, nuzzling our family chickens and kitties with her nose, joining her mom on runs, going everywhere and anywhere with us, and just being an all around love bug! We love Zoe’s sweetness, intelligence, and especially the little subtle grunting noise she makes when she’s most happy being petted by peoples:) 

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