Mickey - Dog of the Month - May 2018

Congratulations to Mickey for being May 2018's Dog of the Month!!

He sure has earned it, too. Mickey has been coming to No Bonz for almost 4 years now and he is one our most prized pups. He is always welcoming to new dogs with a lick and a nibble! He is one our most playful and wild dogs whilst also knowing when it’s time to lie down and take a nap. He is truly one of kind and we are honored to have him as our May Dog of the Month.

Congrats Mickey!!

And now a word from Mickey's owner:

"Mickey is an almost 7-year old chocolate lab, and to know him is to love him. Mickey is a sweet goofball who has the power to bring out the baby voice in grown men. Frequent questions/ exclamations from passers-by include: "Is he part mastiff?" (no),  "Look at that big head!" and "How is it possible to drool so much?!" (we all have our talents.) When he's not playing with his friends at No Bonz, Mickey enjoys long naps on a soft couch, having his belly scratched, and counter surfing... the simple pleasures in life."

Mickey, we love you and are happy to have you with us!!

Monty - Dog of the Month - April 2018

Monty the Corgi is our April Dog of the Month!

This Pembroke Welsh Corgi has stolen all of our hearts here at No Bonz About It.  Monty has been coming to No Bonz for over a year now.

This little guy has proven he’s got a big heart and a huge personality.  He definitely can run with “Big Dogs” despite his little short legs.  His favorite thing to do here is to wrestle it up with all the other Corgi’s to make what we call our Corgi Pile.  It makes for a lot of laughs and fun times for all of us.

We are very honored to feature Monty as our April Dog of The Month.

And now a word from Montey's owner, Breylan! 

“Monty is a spoiled 19-month-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He’s the heart of our home and always cracks us up with his boundless energy and silly personality. Monty’s favorite hobbies include going to the beach and playing fetch. When he’s not at daycare, he can be found lounging on the couch at home begging for scratches and belly rubs, or woofing at passerby’s. Monty loves to meet new people and is known to enjoy cookies, homemade and store-bought alike!

He’s been coming to NoBonz for a little over a year now and always looks forward to playing with his friends!”

Congratulations, Monty!!


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Coco - Dog of the Month - March 2018

Congratulations to Coco!  

     Coco is our March Dog of the Month.  Coco is a 5-year-old Vizsla and has been coming to No Bonz for about 4 years now.  She is definitely true to her breed being one the most gentle, loving, and loyal dogs that we have here at No Bonz About It. Coco loves her exercise and likes to plant herself right between your feet and she is truly a wonderful girl that likes constant contact with all the team members here.  We are proud to have her here and very excited to have her as our Dog of the Month!

Biff - Dog of the Month - February 2018

Biff is a lovely 7-year-old lab who has been with us for more than 2 years!  As a veteran attendee at No Bonz, Biff has always been a sweetheart to new people and new pup friends that haven’t been here as long as he has. You can often find Biff taking long naps in strange places. In the summertime, Biff loves to spend time playing outside in swimming pools, sprinklers, and other kinds of water. In the cold weather, Biff prefers to stay inside and play with bubbles. Biff loves vigorous tummy scratches and he loves to cuddle up and rest with people friends.  He is always very excited to come to daycare and loves to bark in excitement. He is such a smart, fluffy guy that we love very much!