Single, female black lab seeking snacks, pool parties…and friends.
My name is Cash. I am a 3 ½ year old black lab with two moms.
I enjoy long baths…
I can even create my very own Jacuzzi with my two front paws. I will admit the moms get a bit wet, but who could resist the very curious ways they have found to use a shower curtain as a shield?
I like to play soccer…
Not quite like the beautiful game, but more a game of keep away where I am the only one that has the rules. And, I am the only lab on my block that can use my front paws better than Pele ever used his feet.
My internal clock runs on food…
I guarantee you will never miss breakfast, lunch or dinner. Forget your favorite alarm, app or other device. You want to know time for a meal… I am the one you want to call. And, I guarantee not only will you know what time it is…but that whomever is responsible for serving your meal delivers it on time. I am relentless.
My version of stress management is a good hedgehog…
Like everyone I have my limits. And when I get a bit stressed, I find there is nothing like a good hedgehog. I keep them stashed in every room of the house. Me and my hedgie…there should be a song written about us.
And in case this isn’t enough to keep you intrigued…
- I am one of the world’s best cuddlers.
- I help my mom get ready every morning for work. We brush our teeth together and we share makeup brushes….those brushes are SO soft on a gal’s face.
- I have a SECRET FORT. Yep, top secret… NO ONE can see or find me or my toys in's like magic! ?