November: Zula

My name is Zula Yakone, I’m a 7th month old alaskan malamute and I’m so pumped to be the No Bonz dog of the month for November. Zula means brilliant which my humans expect me to be after being the first in my litter to have open eyes and talking first. Yakone is an Inuit word paying homage to my breed’s ancestral roots and means red aurora, a reference to my beautiful fur coloring. I was born in Los Angeles but when I was eight weeks old I found myself making the long road trip to my new home in Portland. Back then I fit perfectly in a person’s lap, not so much anymore.

I love Portland with all my puppy heart. I love all the other dogs I see every time I go out for a walk and I love all of the friendly people that want to pet me. My favorite place in the entire world though is the Sandy River Delta. I get to run free there every Sunday morning until I have to be carried back to the car. I’ve become best friends with a HUGE great dane puppy, Xena, that I get to chase and jump on every week at the delta. Soon, I may be spending my Sunday’s elsewhere though as I am anxiously awaiting winter; I cannot wait until I finally get to experience snow for the first time! If the movie Frozen has taught me anything, there’s so much fun to be had in the snow.

I may be very selective in my decisions to listen or not but if you have a carrot in your hand, I will do anything you ask, carrots are so delicious.

No Bonz has quickly become another of my favorite places. Whenever I sense that I am close, I get very antsy and excited. As soon as the car door opens I sprint in and announce my presence and excitement with endless roo’s, I don’t even say goodbye to my humans, they’ll survive.


September: Indy

Indy is an 9 month old Pit bull that was rescued from a Southern California shelter where she didn’t have the best start in life. She is deaf, and was  likely attacked by other dogs and an entire hive of bees, leaving scars all over her body as a reminder. Despite this rough start, Indy is super friendly with people and dogs, and pretty much loves everyone she meets and makes everyone fall in love with her because she is so sweet and cuddly.  When not playing with her friends at No Bonz about it, Indy loves to bug her older  sisters, who are 11 and 12 year old pit bull mixes...who don't always appreciate Indy's constant playfulness!  We are currently in obedience training and learning hand signals so that Indy can be even more perfect than she already is!!

August: Riley

Hi, I'm Riley. I turned one in March. As you can see I'm a yellow lab. I chase balls, sticks, cats, kids, other dogs, seagulls - pretty much anything that moves.  I like to jump on things like the hot tub, the bed, and the back of the truck. You will always find me in a good mood and ready for fun.  I do like to sleep in though, so don't expect too much before about 9. 

July: Chili

Hello! My name is Chili and I'm very excited to be July's dog of the
month! I'm an 11 year old rescue mix that loves long walks (parks or

beach are my favorite) and belly rubs. I know about 10 tricks, so if you

ever have a piece of cheese, please by all means, feel free to place it

on my nose or ask me to play dead! I'm getting a little on in age and

just had my "geriatric" exam ­ all good news, but I'm definitely

enjoying my golden year(s) naps! However, I can still pogo jump like I used

to when excited, albeit not as high as before. When I'm not eating or

sleeping I enjoy keeping passers-by on their toes by startling them with

"Hellos" from my perch in the bedroom. Thanks again for selecting me dog

of the month and I look forward to meeting you (and the cheese I hope

you have in your hand)!
